Kai Zhang picture

Kai Zhang

Graduate Student
USTC, Hefei, Anhui, China
Room 205, Science and Technology Laboratory Building, West Campus


University of Science and Technology of China
Email: sa517494@mail.ustc.edu.cn, kkzhang0808@gmail.com

Room 205, Science and Technology Laboratory Building, West Campus,
USTC, Hefei, Anhui, China, 230027


- Kai Zhang, Hefu Zhang, Qi Liu, Hongke Zhao, Hengshu Zhu, Enhong Chen. Interactive Attention Transfer Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification, The 33th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'2019), Honolulu, Hawaii, United states, 2019.1.27-2019.2.2 [slide][pdf] [poster]

- Kai Zhang, Hongke Zhao, Qi Liu, Zhen Pan, Enhong Chen. A Dynamic and Cooperative Tracking System for Crowdfunding, The 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE,2019(under review) [pdf] Release Later!

- Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Kai Zhang, Hongke Zhao, Hefu Zhang. Method and Related Device for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification, MP 1825101. [Patent]

- Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Zhi Li, Hongke Zhao, Kai Zhang, A sequence recommendation method based on user behavior difference modeling, Patent No.201810414330.3. [Patent][video]


Website Development(中科大∙大数据学院)

• In March 2018, the School of Data Science, University of Science and Technology of China, was formally established. In May, there was a demand for official website construction. So I took over this task and implemented the official website. June. 2018 ~ July. 2018.
—— The School of Data Science(Working), University of Science and Technology of China

User Interest Modeling Competition(快手∙用户兴趣建模大赛)

• The theme of the competition is "content-based user interest modeling", which requires the use of multimedia content data to model and predict user interaction behavior, and explore the application scenarios of content understanding algorithms in the recommended field. May. 2018 ~ Aug. 2018.
—— Ranked 14th in the preliminary round (14/383), Ranked 18th in the semi-finals (18/50)

Financial Platform Crowdfunding Demo

• As the financial team of our laboratory produced a lot of novel research results (KDD, IJCAI) on the emerging Internet finance platform. We started to develop an Integrated Predictive Modeling Framework under the Crowdfunding Environment, with the aim of adopting a data-driven approach and use a lot of historical data to solve the various challenges on the crowdfunding platform. Based on this platform, a current research work is being reviewed in ICDE’19. June. 2017 ~ March. 2018.

HIS System Development

• Responsible for cooperation and communication with the hospital, according to the hospital management needs, communicate with the team, design and develop some functions of the HIS (Hospital Information System). May. 2016


• Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Data Science ([Qi Liu]) Undergraduate Course in USTC, Fall 2017/2018.

• Deep Learning for Sentiment-Analysis, Lab of BDAA, USTC, April 3th, 2018. [Talk][Slide]

• Interaction Attention Transfer Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification.(Exsiting Research & My Work), Lab of BDAA, USTC, August 14th, 2018. [Talk][Slide]

• Java Development Engineer, Hangzhou Venture Software Co., Ltd. 2016


• Programming:  C/C++, Python, Java, PHP, SQL, CSS, HTML         • Tools:  LaTeX, Vim, Linux


• Like open source tools, love Linux (especially Arch-Linux, now I'm working with it), enjoy the experience of black technology.

• Familiar with computer hardware, passionate about DIY equipment.

• And some useless but cool technologies ... =.=

Intro: I am currently a second-year graduate student and a member of Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Application. My current research interests are data mining and machine learning, especially financial data analysis and natural language processing.